BeyondExcellence BeyondExcellence

道德 & 行为


我们总是正直行事,对我们的工作负责, 关爱员工,关注安全和可持续发展. We make investments in our clients, our people 和 our communities, so we can grow together


Our 道德 和 Code of 行为 are rooted in our values 和 provide the st和ards 和 support to help us successfully navigate issues, make the right decisions 和 conduct our business with the 完整性 that reflects our heritage 和 ethical reputation. 我们坚持雅各布斯的全球供应商行为准则, 和 we are developing our sustainability partnership dialogue with 15 global suppliers.

雅各布斯行为准则 提供一致的, 在全公司范围内声明我们的商业惯例和工作场所的行为, 并建立了期望, obligations 和 responsibilities of our employees to abide by these business practices in all situations 和 circumstances, regardless of local culture or business climate 和 regardless of the competitive environment in which we may find ourselves. 《首页》适用于每一位员工, 本公司董事及高级职员, 世界上任何地方. This also includes majority-owned subsidiaries 和 subsidiaries over which 亚洲体育博彩平台 has managerial control. 《首页》的部分内容也适用于代理人, 咨询顾问, 业务合作伙伴, 供应商和分包商.

雅各布斯维护着补充行为准则 我们的董事会; 我们的首席执行官和高级财务官; 和 for 我们的供应商和其他商业伙伴.

亚洲体育博彩平台诚信热线 is available to employees 和 others who wish to report non-compliance or suspected violations of law 和 policy, 或者就公司政策的具体情况寻求指导. 诚信热线每周7天,每天24小时提供服务. 举报可以匿名提交 完整性.亚洲体育博彩平台.com 或者电话号码+1.844.543.8351. 亚洲体育博彩平台 strictly prohibits any form of retaliation against individuals who make a report in good faith out of genuine concern.


诚信热线在公司层面进行管理. Concerns about specific types of suspected legal breaches in certain European Union countries (e.g. 波兰)也可以在地方一级报告. 地方一级的报告并不是强制性的,可以通过地方一级的报告 亚洲体育博彩平台诚信热线 或其他公司级别的报告渠道. 本地级别的报告将由公司的授权成员接收. 除非另有约定, local reports will be h和led in a manner consistent with the local level whistleblower protection policy.  Please see the following policy(ies) for more information on what types of concerns can be reported at a local level in what European Union countries:


在我们的行动中,我们尊重人的人权和尊严, 供应链和我们工作的社区. Our approach is guided by international principles including the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business 和 人权. 回顾我们的 人权政策《亚洲体育博彩平台》声明 了解更多.



BeyondExcellenceSM 雅各布斯对质量的追求和对完美执行的承诺. 有了一组核心流程, it gives us a framework to deliver value on every project – no matter where we work in the world.

我们不断追求卓越. 我们的BeyondExcellence全球质量方法旨在提供领导力, processes 和 tools to drive performance excellence 和 continual improvements across the business. 

以创建和维护战略基础为目标, 提供健壮的治理和全球集成, 培养世界级人才, maximizing performance through innovative processes 和 technology 和 establishing 和 tracking relevant 和 actionable performance indicators, our BeyondExcellence approach sets the foundation for us to become a company like no other. 

“BeyondExcellence represents our 分享d drive to dream big while keeping our feet planted firmly on the ground. We are a company in constant pursuit of excellence maximizing performance through innovative processes 和 technology.”





因为人是我们业务的核心, 每年,我们都会表彰那些每天都在超越的人, 与我们的价值观保持一致: 我们做正确的事情. 我们挑战公认的. 我们志存高远. 我们生活在包容之中. 

Our BeyondExcellence奖 celebrate those who raise the bar 和 deliver the extraordinary with excellence. Leaders who care, collaborate 和 push beyond, solving for today 和 creating a brighter future. 今年, we recognized 26 teams 和 individuals who went above 和 beyond in safety 和 security, 质量, 道德, 销售, 包容, 创新和集成解决方案交付. 以我们的员工每天产生的积极影响为基础, 每位获奖者都选择了一个非营利组织,以他们的名义接受捐赠. 我们总共向世界各地的慈善事业捐赠了10万多美元.